The ASPCA estimates that about 31 percent of dogs that enter shelters are euthanized, and 41 percent of cats. These sad statistics could change if more pet owners spayed or neutered their animal to prevent unwanted pregnancies. If you need to discuss this surgery, please talk to one of our highly trained technicians or surgeons. We can recommend the best age to spay or neuter your pet for best results, but we can also perform the procedure on any dog or cat to prevent unmated litters.
We care about your pet’s safety and comfort during any surgical procedure, especially when spaying or neutering. We use general anesthesia and other pain management techniques to keep your little friend as comfortable as possible throughout the entire procedure. Your pet is given injectable pain medications and we use local anesthetic blocks at the surgical site during the procedure. Your pet will go home with oral pain medication to keep him or her comfortable during the recovery period.